Shipping & Return
Shipping cost will vary based on the order and location of delivery. We use third-party shipping couriers to determine your ship rate.
Estimated* transit times with Canpar once an order leaves our warehouse:
British Columbia and Alberta - one to two business days in most cases
Saskatchewan - Estimated one to two business days
Manitoba - Estimated three business days
Ontario and Quebec – Estimated four to six business days
Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick & Nova Scotia - Estimated three to four business days
Newfoundland and Labrador - Estimated four to five business days
Your order will ship 1-2 days after its been placed. The package will be processed and picked up at our warehouse in Richmond B.C.
To return an item, please review our refund policy first before sending us an email. If your refund request is within our guidelines, please send us an email and we will guide you along to arrange for the return of the order. If we receive your refund, and it does not meet our guidelines, we will follow up with you to proceed to your next available options.
Our return policy is 14 days after you have received the order. The item has not must been used. Resalable, and re-packaged back to its original condition.
To start a return, you can contact us at Customers will be responsible for handling the cost for returning the item back to the merchant. If your return is accepted, we’ll send you a return shipping label, as well as instructions on how and where to send your package if assistance is required. Items sent back to us without first requesting a return will not be accepted.
The return policy does not include our FINAL SALE items.
We are now shipping in Canada only and currently working on setting up the U.S Market
We use Canpar/UPS/Purolator/FedEX or local private couriers as the third-party courier for your packages. All courier related questions should be directed to the chosen courier.
If the order has not been handed off to the courier yet, your order is still available for cancellation.
If the order is in transit and you would like to cancel it. You’re responsible for the returning charges for the package to be returned to us.
For cancellations, please notify us immediately to avoid order complications.
General FAQs
Yes, if you’re a reseller, please contact us directly and we will have a sales representative reach out to you.
Visa, Mastercard, American Express
We currently do not have a retail storefront for Display Canada. Display Canada
Is an online e-commerce based shop.